Sturdy high impact affordable football goals that look and perform like real goalposts, not toys. Plastic football goals with straighter crossbars, goal nets fitted neatly to the rear of the posts, and net supports securely locked in place not just pushed into a hole. Plastic goals with longer warranty and more five star reviews than any other goalposts. The Ideal junior club and garden football goals.

 information on the 12'x6' Plastic goal

Above: A Fast start Mini Soccer 12'x6' Goal - Assembled in under one minute 


 information on the 8'x4' uPVC goal post

The football goal video above shows the popular 8' x 4' goal being installed in a typical garden setting
Click here for more information on our garden goal range 

 information on the 8' x 6' football goal 

The video above shows the 8’x6’ garden Footie Goal which is ideal when posts are to
be left in position. A value for money alternative to Samba, Forza goals and other flimsy Far East copies of our goalpost concept. 

The full range of folding aluminium goalposts

 ITSA Goal posts in use at a major tournament in Nottingham 
 information on the 12'x6' uPVC goal shown in this video 

CLICK HERE TO GO BACK to the folding 12x6 aluminium goal post product page

The video above shows the unique push in net fixings used on ITSA Goal plastic posts

The video above shows the robust design compared to other plastic goalpost corner brackets

FOOTIE GOALS - Garden Goalpost Net Cord Fitting.
 The video demonstrates how to tie off the net cord to the net supports to create a proper roof to the net. 


Football Goalpost Anchor Removal
ITSA Goal posts are supplied with safe easy to use goal post multi-surface ground anchors and safety ground anchor pegs. On normal ground the ground pegs can easily be removed with the end of a red peg however, when the ground is hard it is advised to remove the pegs using a claw hammer as shown.


16'x7' Goalposts set up ready for independent goalpost testing. The video shows a range of our uPVC and aluminium youth size goalposts. One goal in this video has the weight applied to the crossbar which is part of the safety standards testing. 

Folding Plastic Goals for Quick Play
Click here to view the range

Quality Club Goalpost Range
click here for the range

The Most Popular Match Garden Goalposts
click here to see the range

Footie Goal Garden Goalposts
click here for the goal range

To view more football goalpost assembly videos including the

please visit us on YOUTUBE